博客來精選推薦Curating Research Data Set- Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repository - a Handbook of Current Practice
Curating Research Data Set- Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repository - a Handbook of Current Practice
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Curating Research Data Set- Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repository - a Handbook of Current Practice
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Library and information scientists present people tasked with the long-term stewardship of digital research data a blueprint for how to curate data for eventual reuse. Though there can be may motivations for storing and preserving data, they focus here on reuse by others. The first volume considers practical strategies for a digital repository, and includes such topics as research and the changing nature of data repositories, beyond cost recovery: revenue models and practices for data repositories in academia, and the curation of scientific data at risk of loss: data rescue and dissemination. The second volume comprises a handbook of current practice, discussing such matters as appraisal and selection techniques that mitigate risks inherent to data, processing and treatment actions for data, descriptive metadata, and preserving data for the long term. Annotation ?2017 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (protoview.com)
- 作者: Johnston, Lisa R. (EDT)
- 原文出版社:Assoc of College & Research
- 出版日期:2018/04/30
- 語言:英文
Curating Research Data Set- Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repository - a Handbook of Current Practice